pet 2.0 User Manual

Upon launching the app you shall be greeted by 5 window bars:

Homescreen of pet


This window allows you to view previously input expenses. Click on the + symbol adjacent to it so as to maximize the window. Below is a sample view:

View Expenses Window

By default, the expenses are sorted by date, having the newest first. However it is possible to sort them by the other fields too, and each field has 2 orders to sort by, namely:


This window allows you to input a new expense. Click on the + symbol adjacent to it so as to maximize the window. Below is an example of an expense that is just about to be saved:

Input Expenses Window

To save an expense input:

Then proceed to select a tag of your liking. Then press the ‘Save Expense’ button.

Note that the date format is dd/mm/yyyy, however if the day or month is less than 10, it is permissible to omit the leading 0. i.e. 2/2/2020 or 5/11/2021 or 22/3/2022 are also valid.

Also note that the tags are modifiable, they can be added/removed/edited by modifying the tags.txt file.


This window allows you to edit field(s) of a previously saved expense. Click on the + symbol adjacent to it so as to maximize the window. Below is an example of an expense just about to be updated:

Update Expenses Window

In this example, the expense sausage, is about to have its date and price fields updated.

To update an expense:


This window allows you to delete a previously input expense. Click on the + symbol adjacent to it so as to maximize the window. Below is an example of an expense that is just about to be deleted:

Delete Expenses Window

To delete an expense:


This window allows you to view your total expenditure grouped by tags. Click on the + symbol adjacent to it so as to maximize the window. Below is a sample view:

Totals Window showcasing the total sum accumulated per tag


pet has one more hidden feature, menubars. These menubars appear when you right click in either of the windows listed below:


Upon right clicking in the INPUT EXPENSES window, the following menubar appears:

Input Window Menubar which shows the option to change the theme

This menubar allows you to change the theme of pet. Pet currently has 5 themes to choose from.

Upon changing the theme, the appearance of pet changes. This is pet using the ‘BLACK’ theme:

pet with the black theme applied

Note that pet remembers the previously selected theme upon relaunching it.


Upon right clicking in the DELETE EXPENSES window, the following menubar appears:

Delete Window Menubar which shows the option to delete all expenses

This menubar presents the ‘Delete All Expenses!’ button which enables you to delete all previously saved expenses as the name implies.

Upon clicking, you shall be presented with a confirmation dialogue:

Delete all expenses dialogue popup with the options 'Yes, I am' and 'No, Cancel'

Upon clicking ‘Yes, I am’, all expenses will be deleted.

Note: Be very careful with this as this is irreversible!


Upon right clicking in the TOTALS window, the following menubar appears:

Totals window menubar which shows the about section, number of expenses and the total sum

This menubar enables you to see your total accumulated expenditure as well as the number of expenses saved.

In addition to that, upon hovering your cursor over ‘ABOUT’, you are presented with the link to pet’s development page.

About section for pet which shows the url to its development page


Thank you for taking your time to read through pet’s manual. I had fun preparing it (mela), it was enjoyable. If you wish to have an offline copy, click here

Note: All your expenses are saved locally onto your device in a database file entitled accounts.db

I wish to thank the following whose work is incorporated into pet: