Covid-19- the changer of fate, the disruptor of events. The disease whose name became synonymous with the year two thousand and twenty. It has wrecked havoc allover the face of the earth but as the adage goes, every cloud has a silver lining. Hence I am for the assertion that Covid-19 has changed life for the better.

To begin with, most of us got a long break from our daily routines. In my case for example, schools were closed for about eight months. Never before had such a break graced our calendars. This was sufficient time to rest and relax. Despite the tension the disease brought, it relieved a whole lot too and people could ease their minds and calm their nerves from the usual hustle and bustle. An article written in December on the Sunday Nation said that upon companies re-opening, staff productivity increased by twenty percent as they were well rested.

Furthermore, as isolated as we were meant to be, people actually found themselves drawn closer to loved ones. Primarily because the fear of losing them at any moment was heightened. People could not bear that thought. Also there was ample time to know those who we lived with better. This way people could fall deeper in love with their spouses and siblings began to care more about each other. True there are couples that separated for they realized they have been living with a stranger, but how much longer was this to go on? False relationships too came to an end.

Additionally, more job opportunities were created. An esteemed prrofessor of Economics from the renown Pesa University stated that technology oriented firms increased their earnings by thirty percent and doubled their workforce during the pandemic. Many learning institutions resulted to conducting lessons online. The dependance on technology saw an exponential incease. Due to the higher demand, the rate of supply had to increase too. To do so, more people needed to be employed and so more poeple were able to finally cater for themselves and their families.

Lastly, sanitary standards everywhere have drastically improved. This is good as it has reduced the risk of contracting many other diseases too. Leading supermarket brand; Kamindi stated that they included one hundred litres of sanitiser into their monthly budget. Soap and water has become more accessible to the masses as washing stations have popped up allover. The county government of Serikali County stated that the frequency of cholera infections has reduced by fifty percent.

In conclusion, Covid-19 is a disease and consequently brings with it all the sorrow diseases bring with them. However; humanity, as it always does, chose to mitigate the sorrow it brings and even managed to reap from its presence.